
Survey on Leadership in Conservation and Scientific Research





During a recent sabbatical in Amsterdam, hosted by NICAS and made possible with support from the Mellon Foundation, Francesca Casadio (Art Institute of Chicago and NU-ACCESS), with Robert van Langh and Benjamin Rous (Rijksmuseum and NICAS), designed a survey about leadership and evolving contexts of conservation and scientific research in museums. 

We invite everyone who feels they are able to contribute to this survey to fill it in. The survey is specifically targeted at those who work in a conservation and/or science department in a museum or equivalent institution

We estimate that this will take 25-30 minutes if you are a Department Head, for whom there are extra sections, and 15-20 minutes if you are not. 

By filling this survey you allow us to use the aggregated data from the survey for scholarly presentations and publications. 

You can take the survey by clicking on this link, or open it by scanning the QR code below. 

Many thanks in advance for taking the time to help is gain a better insight into this important matter!

Francesca Casadio (Art Institute of Chicago and NU-ACCESS), Robert van Langh and Benjamin Rous (Rijksmuseum and NICAS).