In June 2017, NICAS organised Science for Curators, a four-day course for art historians and curators about the latest scientific methodologies and insights in the study of paintings and paint materials.

Lab session during the Science for Curators course (Photo: K.Keune/NICAS).
The main objective was giving these cultural heritage professionals an introduction in theory and practice to the material aspects of art objects, with a focus on the various available scientific methods used to analyse and study them. This first edition of the course, intended as a pilot, took place in the Ateliergebouw in Amsterdam and had more than ten participants from museums and institutions across the country.

Practical demonstration during Science for Curators course (Photo: K.Keune/NICAS).
“This was an extremely valuable course. In a comprehensible way, scientists at the top of their fields unravel the most recent developments in science on art. This course is the necessary answer to fill the gap that has developed in the last decades between science and the daily practice of curators.”
– Friso Lammertse (curator at Museum Boijmans van Beuningen, Rotterdam)